Candidate for the position of VP Education

Image for Darcie Jones

Darcie Jones Speech

What is your name? 

Darcie Jones

What course are you studying?

BA History

What stage of your course are you currently studying?

Graduated - Currently a sabbatical officer

What motivated you to run for a Sabbatical Officer role and why do you think you would be a good Sabbatical Officer?

I was largely motivated to run for an officer role due to the perceived 'differences' in my student experience. While I lived at home, commuted and generally didn't have the time for extra-curriculars due to work commitments, I felt that there were ways that myself, and other students at the university could be supported, however we seemed to fall through the cracks. Therefore, I believe that I have the ability to advocate for these students and highlight issues of students in today's climate.

Why is the Sabbatical Officer role important?

Most importantly, it acts as a key figure for the voice of students, using it's close connections with students to highlight and advocate on issues that students at our university face. VP Education is especially important in using it's strong connections and interactions with university staff to educate on the needs of our students and work collaboratively to enact change and create resolutions, ensuring that all decisions made by the university are made for the benefit of students.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Passionate, confident, silly.

If you could change one thing about the University, what would that be?

One thing I would love to change about the university is the overall accessibility on campus. General campus accessibility has been highlighted as a key issue during my time in office, with current construction work often closing parts of campus with little communication to the student body. This, parred with issues such as regular lift breakages and broken/non existent disabled door access creates a large issue in accessing campus and education for our student body.

If you could change one thing about the Students' Union, what would it be? 

One thing I'd change about the SU is how it interacts with a large proportion of the student body. With the cost of living crisis etc, it needs to be wider acknowledged that students often don't have the time or resources to be engaged with the SU, however it offers many benefits, both socially and academically. For students to see the benefits that the SU has to offer, it needs to go out to students in ways that fit their lifestyle and values, rather than asking students to fit to come to them.

Who do you draw most inspiration from and why?

Cliche (I know), but without a doubt my mum! She didn't grow up with the privilege of being supported in education, yet still fostered key values of the importance of education in me. While working as a single-parent in the healthcare industry, she still never failed to ensure that I was supported to achieve, aware that I was often at a disadvantage to my peers. She's taught me the art of working hard for the things you love and want, and never accepting 'no' as an answer.

What is your proudest moment so far and why?

I'm unsure I can pin just one! Possibly, being given the opportunity last year to be a guest speaker at a conference of a couple-hundred national university staff on the struggles of being a student during the cost-of-living crisis and how it effects student achievement. It provided a rich opportunity to talk with professionals on the links between student struggles and student experience and where responsibilities lay with universities to support the growing number of struggling students.

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