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Office of the Independent Adjudicator - OIA

You may feel that things have not gone quite as planned during your time at university.

You may have experienced difficulties which, for one reason or another, have led to you submitting a complaint or appeal or required attendance at a Fitness to Practise/Study or disciplinary meeting.  

What if the university internal procedures have been completed, and you remain dissatisfied with the outcome?

This is where the OIA come in. The OIA are the independent student complaints scheme for England and Wales.

The role of the OIA isn’t to reinvestigate a concern, but to review the decision made by the institution to see if your dissatisfaction about the outcome is justified.

You can find out more about making a complaint to the OIA at:

In addition, the OIA have a whole host of useful online information, resources and publications for students, that you can find at:

Should you need any further guidance on making a complaint to the OIA, please get in touch with us at


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