
If you have found that you didn’t get the results you expected you may be able to appeal the decision and we may be able to help you with your appeal.

At the SU we have an amazing team of friendly and supportive advice staff who can help you navigate the tricky world of appeals.

What’s great about the SU is we are independent of the University, which means we are able to represent you without any conflict of interest and all enquiries are dealt with the strictest confidence, which means that we do not disclose anything that you have told us unless you have given us permission to do so. We are here for you and you only.

The best way to help yourself is by getting a draft to our advice team as soon as you can once you have received your Statement of Results. They are not able to write your appeal for you but they can offer comment and guidance in order to help you make your statement as strong as possible.

You should not assume that you are repeating/re-working the same coursework that you previously failed. Your transcript will indicate details of your referred work. Students who started a degree in September 2018 will only have two attempts at a module, so it is important to consider whether referral work is right for you or whether you need to consider repeating the year and getting the benefit of attending the lectures.



When do results come out?

For most undergraduate courses, the official results will be published on the 24th June 2025 but dates vary depending on your course and faculty. It is your responsibility to check the results date which applies to you.Please note that some programmes may have different dates for the publication of results and therefore other summer appeal or assessment deadlines. Your Faculty will let you know if your programme has different dates and you can also find further information at: (login required). 

How will I get them?

All transcripts, results and referred guidance is online through the student portal. 

Viewing your results on the portal.

Only the front page of your results will be visible online. There will be a link to the accompanying notes and it is essential to look at these notes if you have failed any element of your assessment. The University will send out an accompanying letter with your statement of results informing you of the Award Assessment Board’s decision and what steps to take next. This letter will not available be online. If in any doubt you should contact your Faculty Office. 

What to do if you do not agree with your results.

The University has an appeals procedure and there are strict grounds for what can constitute an appeal. Questioning academic judgement is not a ground for appeal. Details regarding the Appeals procedure can be found on the University website. 

Is there a deadline?

Yes. You have 10 working days from the date your results are published. For the majority of undergraduate courses the deadline will be the 9th July 2024, but other courses such as health professions may vary.

Who can help with your Appeal?

Our friendly Advice team will be available throughout the appeal period to discuss your appeal and talk to you about your specific circumstances. Experienced advisers will be able to read through your appeal before you submit it if you wish. 

How do I contact the SU Advice Team?

You can contact us by telephone, email or through the online enquiry form, although we would recommend completing the online enquiry form attaching your statement of results and any additional information you may have received from the University regarding your progression and results. 

When do resits happen?

Details of resit examinations can be accessed by using the following link:

If you are repeating coursework over the summer vacation you should ensure that you check the deadline with your Faculty Office. You should not assume that you are repeating / re-working the same coursework that you previously failed. Your transcript will indicate details of your referred work. Students who started a degree in September 2018 will only have two attempts at a module, so it is important to consider whether referral work is right for you or whether you need to consider repeating the year and getting the benefit of attending the lectures.

Self-plagiarism… what is it?

It is important that you understand what self-plagiarism is. If during a summer referral you receive a similar title it is important that you do not plagiarise yourself by copying and pasting your previous work into your new coursework.This is likely to be classed as an assessment offence. Details of offences can be found at:



Last updated: January 2025

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