Interrupting Studies

If you are considering interrupting your studies there are many factors that you should take in to consideration. You should in the first instance talk to your programme lead or the SU Advice Centre to ensure that you have discussed all possibilities and are making the right decision.

How do I interrupt studies?

You will need to complete an online form accessed by the student portal:

You will need to consider the following:

  • Date of interruption: This will usually be your last date of attendance, so be aware, if you have not been attending this could have implications on your statutory funding, or if you interrupt part way through a module, you could be deemed to have already attempted the module.
  • Reasons for interruption: If you are interrupting due to extenuating circumstances, you should complete an extenuating circumstances form. This could ensure you don’t lose an attempt at some, or all, of your module. It can also have implications on your statutory funding (see funding when interrupting section for more on this).
  • Tuition fee liability: The University has a policy for tuition fee liability. If you formally (completing interruption form) interrupt studies before the cut off dates, as detailed, you will not incur further tuition fee charges:

  • Student finance (maintenance loans and grants): Student finance is paid until the date of your interruption*. Any payments made for the period following interruption can be classed an overpayment, and the student loans company can ask for this to be repaid immediately. If this is not possible you will need to write to student finance detailing, and evidencing why having to repay straight away could place you in financial hardship.
    *If you interrupt studies for health related reasons, and articulate these to the University, then you should automatically receive an additional 60 day run on of student loan/grant.
  • Accommodation: If you interrupt studies you may still be tied in to a tenancy agreement. It is unlikely that you will be released from your tenancy even if you wish to move away from the area. Some accommodation providers have clauses that state you cannot be released from your tenancy, but cannot remain living in a property if you are no longer a student in attendance. Check your tenancy and speak to UPSU Advice for more guidance on this.

Financial support whilst interrupted

As you will still be classed as a full-time student, unless you meet specific criteria you will not be entitled to benefits. You can apply to student finance for discretionary funding to pay through a period of interruption, but this is by no means guaranteed.


The withdrawal process is different to the interruption process which is a pause in your studies. This is where you leave your studies completely.

If you decide you want to withdraw from your studies an Advisor can talk you through the process and the other implications you may not have considered, such as your housing situation or student finance.

Further information about this process and the implications of withdrawing can be found on the University Sharepoint:

Last updated January 2025

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