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Landlords and their agents are no longer able to charge unlimited fees for tenancies signed on or after 1 June 2019. You can read more details regarding this on the Shelter website here.
Previously tenants were charged administration fees (which included tenancy renewal fees, referencing fees and credit check fees) by landlords and letting agents. According to Citizens Advice, the average amount paid was £400.
But since 1 June 2019 landlords and their agents are no longer able to pass on these charges to tenants.
From 1 June 2019, the only costs landlords and agents are able to pass on to prospective tenants are:
Any other fees are not permitted and landlords or agents found charging fees unlawfully could be fined £5,000 for a first offence. If they break the rules again within five years, they could be given a £30,000 fine and the breach would be classed as a criminal offence.
Last Updated: March 2025