
It's really important to look after your wellbeing whilst you're at University, the Advice Centre can offer practical advice about a range of issues, but sometimes you just need someone to talk to, if this is the case then why not consider getting in touch with the Wellbeing Services offered by the University? You can see more about them here: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/student-life/services/student-services/counselling.

You may also wish to consider getting in contact with the pastoral and spiritual support team. Details of what the team offer can be found by accessing the following: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/student-life/services/student-services/faith-and-spiritual-support

We want to ensure that all students remain safe on nights out, so we have compiled some information and tips all about that here: https://www.upsu.com/safety/

Your rights and responsibilities in the workplace.
Regardless of the work you are undertaking, everyone is protected by employment rights and responsibilities. There are many laws which protect the safety, well-being and rights of people at work and these pages are here to help you understand different aspects of employment rights and what it means for you. For more information on this, head to: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/student-life/your-studies/academic-services/careers-and-employability/know-your-rights.

Staying healthy physically, mentally, socially, and financially is important for you to thrive as a student. It’s important that you feel comfortable and able to speak up about any issues you’re experiencing before they get worse and impact your life and academic studies.

There are lots of support and wellbeing services both on campus and in the wider community that can help ensure you have the best possible time as a student at university. 


If you are interested in helping maintain your wellbeing, here are some resources that might help:

Five Ways to Wellbeing

There are actions which promote people’s wellbeing. It involves doing the following actions in your everyday life: Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give. For further information, please see : Wellbeing - Mind

10 Keys to Happier Living

The Ten Keys to Happier Living are based on a review of the latest research from psychology and related fields. Everyone's path to happiness is different, but evidence suggests that these Ten Keys consistently have a positive impact on people's happiness and wellbeing. The keys are: Giving, Relating, Exercising, Awareness, Trying Out, Direction, Resilience, Emotions, Acceptance and Meaning. Click here for more information.

General Health & Wellbeing

Staying healthy and looking after your wellbeing is very important - for information on health issues, please see  NHS Choices pages.

To support with your wellbeing, the Students Union offer various activities, whether you are looking to join a sports club, society, volunteering or just giving it a go at something new where you can make new friends and share common interests. The following opportunities are available for you:





You may also be interested in exploring the BARS Programme,  Be Active, Reduce Stress  

For information about the University's Wellbeing Support Services, please visit their website:


There are a number of apps that you can access help and support for mental health problems, some are free and some cost money.

The following apps have been recommended by the NHS.


This app helps young people manage their emotions.

The NHS website says: "BlueIce is an evidenced-based app to help young people manage their emotions and reduce urges to self-harm.

"It includes a mood diary, a toolbox of evidence-based techniques to reduce distress and automatic routing to emergency numbers if urges to harm continue."

Who is it suitable for?

BlueIce is suitable for young people attending mental health services who are self-harming.

How do I access it?

BlueIce is a prescribed app designed to be used alongside face to face care provided by mental health services.

Calm Harm

Reduces urges to self-harm and manage emotions in a more positive way.

The NHS website says: "Calm Harm is an app designed to help people resist or manage the urge to self-harm. It's private and password protected."

Who is it suitable for?

Calm Harm is designed for people who are trying to manage urges to self-harm.

How do I access it?

The app is free to download from the App Store and Google Play.

Catch It

Helps learn to manage negative thoughts and look at problems differently.

The NHS website says: "Learn how to manage feelings like anxiety and depression with Catch It. The app will teach you how to look at problems in a different way, turn negative thoughts into positive ones and improve your mental wellbeing."

Who is it suitable for?

Catch It is for anyone who struggles with feelings like anxiety, depression, anger and confusion.

How do I access it?

Catch It is free to download from the App Store and Google Play.


Quick and discreet access to information and advice about self-harm and suicidal thoughts.

The NHS website says: "The distrACT app gives you easy, quick and discreet access to information and advice about self-harm and suicidal thoughts.

"The content has been created by doctors and experts in self-harming and suicide prevention."

Who is it suitable for?

Anyone over the age of 17 who's concerned about self-harming.

How do I access it?

distrACT is free to download from the App Store and Google Play.

Feeling Good: positive mindset

Use audio tracks to help relax your body and mind and build your confidence.

The NHS website says: "Relax your body and mind with a series of audio tracks designed to help you build confidence, energy and a positive mindset."

Who is it suitable for?

Anyone aged 18 or over who feels worried or stressed, and those who want to improve their mental wellbeing, concentration and confidence in all walks of life.

How do I access it?

Feeling Good is available on the App Store and Google Play.

Useful links:






*Q I am feeling stressed and anxious. What help is are available within the University for students like me?

*A The University has a number of services and workshops you can access to assist you with mental health issues and general wellbeing: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/student-life/services/student-services/counselling

*Q I am feeling isolated and homesick. I really miss my family and friends back home. What can I do?

*A UPSU offers many opportunities to get involved in and meet other people, to find your new family away from home. Have a look at the clubs and socieities information on our website, as well as the volunteering options on offer. UPSU runs a wide range of sports you can get involved with regardless of your level of skill. UPSU has also launched the Buddy Scheme where you can volunteer to become a buddy or find a buddy: https://www.upsu.com/volunteer/buddyscheme/

*Q I have recentlly had a bereavement. Where can I access support?

*A The University have a whole host of supportive resources for you to access in regards to bereavement and loss. You can see more about that here: https://liveplymouthac.sharepoint.com/sites/x70/SitePages/Bereavement-and-loss.aspx

*Q I am experiencing domestic abuse. How can I access support?

*A If you, or someone you know, have been affected by domestic abuse  https://www.boots-uk.com/our-stories/boots-pharmacy-consultation-rooms-become-safe-spaces-for-victims-of-domestic-abuseor violence, the following organisations may be able to help. If you are in immediate danger, you should dial 999. Victims of domestic abuse are now able to use the private consultation rooms at Boots to access support and advice. Victims of domestic abuse who have a confirmed place in a refuge can now travel on trains free of charge. 

*L https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/

*L http://www.refuge.org.uk/

*L http://www.mensadviceline.org.uk

*L http://www.galop.org.uk/

*L http://www.victimsupport.org.uk 

*L https://www.boots-uk.com/our-stories/boots-pharmacy-consultation-rooms-become-safe-spaces-for-victims-of-domestic-abuse 

*L https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/student-life/services/student-services/speak-up

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