Strengthen the student voice
The Presidents work to ensure that the opportunities for students’ voices to be heard are meaningful, valued and acted upon within the School, Faculty and University.
Listen to the views of students
The team engage with and listen to students, get to understand their experience, and receive their feedback in a variety of in-person and digital formats.
Present student feedback
They ensure that students' best interest are at the centre of decision-making by presenting their views, opinions, and insight.
Drive communication
Between students, the University and the Faculties, and the SU - they work to build a culture of collaboration and a united community.
Shape positive change
They influence positive change in relation to the academic and University experience of students.
Represent students at meetings
Your Presidents attend a range of meetings, committees, boards, and groups with key stakeholders from the University and local community.
Act as a spokesperson and ambassador
The team promote the value of the Union and its positive impact for students in finding community and accessing support.
Work in partnership with students
As well as in partnership with the Union and the University to deliver academic and non-academic engagement initiatives.
Contribute to the running of a charity
That's us! We, the Students' Union, SU or UPSU - whatever you call us - are a charity and the Presidents make up more than 50% of our Senior Leadership team.