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As a Students’ Union the voices of students are the most important aspect of the work we do, we are led by your views. Every year students apply for roles as full-time representatives (or Presidents) and the final decision on who is ultimately chosen is down to University of Plymouth students.

This year the roles have changed to enhance the voice of students and you'll see that each Faculty will have its own President as well as a Students' Union President who will support students from each Faculty.

Voting is now closed.

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About the Roles

President Students' Union

The President Students' Union will be the lead officer in relation to governance of the Students' Union and will chair the UPSU Board of Trustees. They will also take the lead on Postgraduate student representation, representing under-represented groups across all Faculties as well as being a Student Governor on the University Board of Governors.

President Faculty of Health

The President Faculty of Health will work within their Faculty to represent the views of students in the following schools; School of Biomedical Sciences, Peninsula Dental School, School of Health Professions, Peninsula Medical School, School of Nursing and Midwifery, and School of Psychology.

President Arts, Humanities and Business

The President Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business will work within their Faculty to represent the views of students in the following schools; School of Art, Design and Architecture, School of Society and Culture, and Plymouth Business School.

President Faculty of Science and Engineering

The President Faculty of Science and Engineering will work within their Faculty to represent the views of students in the following schools; School of Biological and Marine Sciences, School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics, and School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Timeline & Key Dates

24th 28th February 2025

Polling opens

Every current student at the University of Plymouth will be asked to choose who they want to represent them as their Presidents for the 2025/26 academic year.

28th February


It's time to find out who students have decided will take on the presidential roles for the next academic year, see you at 6pm in the SU!

What do the Presidents do?

Strengthen the student voice

The Presidents work to ensure that the opportunities for students’ voices to be heard are meaningful, valued and acted upon within the School, Faculty and University.

Listen to the views of students

The team engage with and listen to students, get to understand their experience, and receive their feedback in a variety of in-person and digital formats.

Present student feedback

They ensure that students' best interest are at the centre of decision-making by presenting their views, opinions, and insight.

Drive communication

Between students, the University and the Faculties, and the SU - they work to build a culture of collaboration and a united community.

Shape positive change

They influence positive change in relation to the academic and University experience of students.

Represent students at meetings

Your Presidents attend a range of meetings, committees, boards, and groups with key stakeholders from the University and local community.

Act as a spokesperson and ambassador

The team promote the value of the Union and its positive impact for students in finding community and accessing support.

Work in partnership with students

As well as in partnership with the Union and the University to deliver academic and non-academic engagement initiatives.

Contribute to the running of a charity

That's us! We, the Students' Union, SU or UPSU - whatever you call us - are a charity and the Presidents make up more than 50% of our Senior Leadership team.

Voting is now closed.

View the Results

Any student studying a University of Plymouth course, regardless of year, fee status, or mode of study, is a member of the students’ union and has a vote in the elections. Therefore you, as a student, are a voter!

Elections run every year for you to decide who represents you and your needs as a student at various levels within the university, locally, and nationally. Student Elections decide which of your fellow students will take up these positions for one year.

Only the student body of the university can decide who is trusted with each position. The winners of the election will represent you and lobby for change on your behalf; by voting, you hold the most power in deciding who works with the union and university to make changes which affect your academic, extracurricular, and community lie in Plymouth.

If you are unhappy with the elections process, you can also spoil your ballot at the point of voting or vote to Re-Open Nominations. Both options are more powerful than choosing to not vote

Once voting opens online; head over to, enter your login details, and cast your vote! You can do this on any device.

View all FAQs

Your Student Voice team are on hand to talk you through the Elections process if you have any questions or just want to know more about how you can make your voice heard at the University of Plymouth.

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Get involved

Getting involved in the Elections is a fantastic way to shape your University experience. Or perhaps the role isn't your sort of thing but you know someone who'd be perfect? You can also suggest them and they'll receive an email telling them that someone thinks that they'd be great for the role.

Any registered University of Plymouth student can vote in the Student Elections.

Vote Now

Your Student Voice team are on hand to talk you through the Elections process if you have any questions or just want to know more about how you can make your voice heard at the University of Plymouth.

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