Candidate for the position of VP Wellbeing & Diversity

Image for Takudzwa Mawera

Takudzwa Mawera

Hi my name is Takudzwa Mawera, a third year International Relations with Politics student and I’m running for the position of Vice-President of Wellbeing and Diversity. I have acquired the drive, through experience and genuine passion to act as one of your voices. The aim is to achieve a vision of co-existence and unity that can be fulfilled by understanding the nuances of different cultures, various ways of thinking within safe and interactive environments that are conducive for growth of all.

Experience and skills

My experience for this role is highlighted by my skills in communication, team work, public relations, networking, negotiation, marketing, relationship and event management obtained from multiple secretary committee roles across six societies, the UPSU forum and my roles as a BAME officer, student mentor, student ambassador, social media and events intern over the past two and a half years within this university and student union.

What I plan to do if elected ?

1. Diversity- I plan to run an anti-bullying campaign with the UPSU and university to combat stigmatization and alienation of all students in support of the current campaigns on casual racism and the Draw the Line Campaign challenging anti-social behavior.

2. Mental health- I will arrange a series of panels and talks under a toxic relationship campaign aiming to address issues affecting positive development and confidence and advocate for improvements on the effective promotion and signposting of counselling and wellbeing services.

3. Equality-I will endeavor to encourage better interaction between home and international students with a range of international events such as a Performing Arts and Film Festival and an Annual Cultural fair.


The point of this role is not based on one’s lifestyle or preference but rather the passion and drive to enact change from the inside towards the outside.


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