Candidate for the position of President

Image for George Burrows

George Burrows

Hi everyone, I’m George Burrows and an Events Management student! I seek to drive progressive change for our student union, for it can only be the students that drive long-term change. I want to establish a strong union, a union that protects students’ rights and drives long-term progressive change for our university.

I hope that when you cast your vote you sense the need to vote for someone who is willing to drive change and focus on core demands and issues that are facing students. We can break the cycle of on-going frustration and if called upon by you I will execute the role to the best of my ability and ensure our voice is heard and install confidence to our campus, for if we don’t drive change now, then when?

I am holding myself to you, the students because I know that we need someone right now who wants to change things, knows how to change, and wants to overwhelming deliver policies that will positivity change the nature of our experience.

Failure is not an option; successful change is coming.

  • Accommodation. Work with external and internal accommodation providers to promote fair and justified rental prices within both private accommodation and university run halls. Lobby the university to bring back a ‘landlord scheme’, to promote quality accommodation at affordable pricing.
  • Mental Well-Being. Lobby for increased mental health funding and campaign for increased efficiency of current well-being services, alongside this I want to address student issues regarding extenuating circumstances, I want to widen accessibility and promote better integrated student services.
  • Student Representation. Develop a campaign that ensures our university provides clear and effective delivery of communication to students and listens to students concerns in a more efficient manner and lobbying for them to be more transparent to the student body.


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