Candidate for the position of President

Image for Martin Nicholls

Martin Nicholls

My name is Martin Nicholls and I will be standing to be your UPSU President.

Only a few of you will have any idea who I am, so I’m hoping we can break the usual tradition of simply voting for a face you recognise.

COVID-19 Accountability
No student should face any detriment for something in which they have no control over. COVID-19 is no exception. I believe UPSU have made good efforts in pressuring the University to implement policies and changes for the benefit of students however, I don’t feel they have gone far enough. I would endeavour to see that that all staff, from lecturers to senior management, are held accountable for the decisions they make regarding your futures. Considerations regarding your rent or fee reductions should be addressed as a top priority.

Every student arriving to study should feel included and valued from day one. If someone arrives feeling anxious, lost or lonely we are failing. I would work closely alongside societies and the University with the aim to improve and expand the current ‘Buddy’ system in order to make sure that everyone feels welcome. Specific attention will be paid to those who fall into minority categories, such as international students or those in marginalised groups.

Open Door Policy
Your education and student experience are paramount so I would set up an open-door policy involving weekly drop-in sessions, alongside bookable appointments, in which students can raise their concerns or make a suggestion to their elected representatives. I feel that in order to fully act in students best interests we need the easiest routes to dialogue for students to have the most active role possible in the direction of UPSU.

Without you, the fantastic students of Plymouth University, this establishment is nothing more than a good idea.
Vote for Martin.

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