Candidate for the position of President

Image for Joseph Dasari

Joseph Dasari


My name is Joseph Dasari I am a second stage student doing Marine science and navigation. If elected I would work on the following points;


I would lobby to develop, implement and consult on our equality and diversity objectives, evidence base, impact assessments and action plan to ensure successful implementation of our public sector equality duty and endeavour to challenge the sector to significantly reduce gaps in access, success and progression for students from all backgrounds and identities and across all disciplines. I would work to address the risk of some students not receiving a safe, healthy and inclusive higher education experience. 


I will endeavour to be a voice for students at Plymouth University with our team of robust sabbatical officers and UPSU which will continue working to make sure that students are being treated fairly, also as equal partners in decision making processes. The student voice is an integral part of ensuring learners receive an outstanding educational experience and that students feel empowered to be active in either making curriculum or institution wide change.
The UPSU are committed to working in partnership to enhance the student experience and quality of teaching. A major part of the University and the UPSU’s ability to do this is through our Academic Representation structures, which plays a vital role in providing information, and student opinion to enable continuous development and a better study experience.

Awareness of student support services:

At UPSU we have an excellent student support services waiting and wanting to help and support students in every possible way to the best of their ability. Many students are unaware of this accessibility. I will endeavour to promote this awareness to all the students by all possible means so they could reach out.

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