Candidate for the position of Member of Accountability Board

Image for Will Jones

Will Jones

I am standing to be a part of the Accountability board, bringing a fair approach to ensure that our Representatives are acting in our best interest and held to account.

Prior to coming to University, I stood on the Town council for nearly 4 years. Sitting on the Policy, Finance and Personnel committee and the appeals board. Both bodies were responsible for the conduct of the staff and councillors on the council, handling complaints made against them and ensuring that our communities standards were upheld at all times.

My key priorities;

  • Accountable - As and when issues arise, actively engaging with sabbatical officers during meetings to resolve issues and work better together moving forwards.
  • Effective - Work with elected representatives, to ensure our student body is being effectively represented and treated fairly.
  • Fair - Using my previous experience to help advice and support the Union Council, ensuring decisions and discussions are fair.
  • Supportive - Supporting student led policy changes, ensuring they continue to progress until completion and adoption.

If successful I look forward to working with students, elected officers and SU staff to help foster a supportive environment for all, where everyone is treated fairly and listened to and issues are dealt with professionally and effectively.

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