Candidate for the position of VP Wellbeing & Diversity

Image for Owura Owusu

Owura Owusu


What is your name? 

Owura Kwaku Owusu

What course are you studying?

BSc Sociology

What stage of your course are you currently studying?

Year 3

What motivated you to run for a Sabbatical Officer role and why do you think you would be a good Sabbatical Officer

My motivation for running for the role of sabbatical officer is grounded in a genuine desire to contribute to a space that values diversity, embraces inclusion and prioritises student wellbeing. As a student of diverse background, I believe by championing these principles, we can not only enhance the overall student experience but also contribute to the development of well-rounded individuals who are ready to make an impact in our university and our city all together.

Why is the Sabbatical Officer role important?

The role of a sabbatical officer when it comes to championing diversity and wellbeing on our campus is important as it promotes equality and promotion, in terms of making sure that all individuals in our university and S.U is treated equal regardless of background, identity or characteristics. Furthermore, the role helps enhance the educational excellence of our student by making sure their wellbeing needs are met and in helping them become creative and supporting with mental health needs

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Resilient, Compassionate, and Outgoing

If you could change one thing about the University, what would that be

In the university at the current moment if I could change one thing it would be to introduce support programs to help students connect better with both themselves and with their student union. By introducing support programs, students who feel marginalised and underrepresented within the university. These programs could include promoting mentorship programmes, and the scholarships opportunities which the university already provides.

If you could change one thing about the Students' Union, what would it be?

if there is one thing about the student union I could change it would be to introduce more wellbeing initiatives. The reasoning behind this is because by expanding and promoting wellbeing initiatives, this could include creating more access to counselling programs and implementing stress reduction programs and creating supportive campus culture.

Who do you draw most inspiration from and why?

The place I draw the most inspiration from would be the upper room and circuit rider collectives the reason I draw inspiration from these groups is due to their ability to always persevere and stive for the best at all times regardless of what maybe going on around them and or the world at that time.

What is your proudest moment so far and why?

My proudest moment to date would be the day I became the international secretary for the university of Plymouth Christian union. The reason for this was because it gave me the opportunities to work with international student and make them feel welcome in the U.K something which I struggled with when I first moved.

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