Candidate for the position of VP Activities

Image for Islamiat Ojuoro

Islamiat Ojuoro


What is your name? 

Islamiat Ojuoro

What course are you studying?

BSc (Hons) Architectural Engineering

What stage of your course are you currently studying?

Stage 2

What motivated you to run for a Sabbatical Officer role and why do you think you would be a good Sabbatical Officer?

My drive for VP Activities comes from a passion to enhance the student experience. As chair of NSS and in various roles like student ambassador and course representative, I've developed organizational and leadership skills. My commitment to a vibrant campus community makes me confident in representing student interests as a Sabbatical Officer.

Why is the Sabbatical Officer role important?

The Sabbatical Officer role is crucial because it serves as a direct advocate for student interests in areas like sports clubs, societies, social sport initiatives, volunteering, and fundraising. This position plays a pivotal role in enhancing the student experience by representing their views to the University and Students’ Union. It ensures that diverse student needs are considered and addressed, contributing to a vibrant, inclusive, and supportive university community.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Dedicated, Compassionate and Disciplined

If you could change one thing about the University, what would that be

Working towards a more inclusive and diversified spectrum of sports clubs, societies, and social sport initiatives would be my main goal as vice president of activities. An interesting and fulfilling university experience can be greatly enhanced, in my opinion, by providing a wider range of opportunities for student involvement. Although acknowledging certain constraints, I am dedicated to working with the appropriate parties to achieve workable advancements in this field.

If you could change one thing about the Students' Union, what would it be?

In my capacity as vice president of activities, I would want to facilitate students' communication of ideas and opinions to the students' union. Establishing a transparent feedback mechanism guarantees that the opinions of students are taken into consideration, resulting in improved programmes that correspond with their actual needs. This modification is useful and improves the relationship between the union and the students.

Who do you draw most inspiration from and why?

I find deep inspiration in my dad and grandma. They taught me resilience, unwavering work ethic, and kindness, stressing putting others first. This shapes my approach, encouraging excellence while prioritizing others' wellbeing. My Grandma's wisdom highlights kindness in everything. Their combined influence, with unwavering support, motivates me to face life's challenges with compassion and determination.

What is your proudest moment so far and why?

My proudest moment was giving a Higher Education talk at a college in Torquay, explaining why I chose my course and everything in between. Despite not preparing for the short presentation, the questions, or the answers, everything came to me effortlessly. It was a moment of perfection, and I was almost moved to tears. Usually, I always get a bit shaky while presenting, but that experience was different and it felt truly remarkable.

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