Candidate for the position of President

Image for Matt Venton

Matt Venton

Instagram Speech

What is your name? 

Matt Venton

What course are you studying?

BSc Business Management with Placement

What stage of your course are you currently studying?

Final Year

What motivated you to run for a Sabbatical Officer role and why do you think you would be a good Sabbatical Officer

I have been at the university since 2018, I have done a foundation year and a placement year, I've been a student mentor, a course rep, social secretary of the clay shooting club and have started new societies and chaired them also. These experiences have allowed me to meet and make friends with students in all corners of the university, students I otherwise may not have met, because of this I feel that I can understand the needs and wants of the wide majority of students here at our university.

Why is the Sabbatical Officer role important

Representation, Sabbatical Officers serve as the voice of the student body, advocating for students interests, concerns, and needs within the university, as well as at local and national levels. They represent a diverse range of students and work to ensure that their voices are heard in decision-making processes that affect their academic and extracurricular experiences. Sabbatical Officers play a key role in shaping policies and decisions that impact students.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Understanding, Sympathetic, Motivated

If you could change one thing about the University, what would that be?

Transparency, I’d like to introduce regular open forum meetings accessible to all students, ensuring that they are aware of the decisions carried out by the university, facilitating clear communication between students and the university. Students are a paying customer and as key stakeholders impacted by decisions the university makes, students deserve to have their voices heard and  should be involved in the decision-making process of the university.

If you could change one thing about the Students' Union, what would it be? 

I would look to improve support and wellbeing services for students, including mental health resources, academic assistance, and career guidance. The Students' Union can play a vital role in advocating for the expansion and improvement of these services on campus. I'd want to reallocate finances to invest in more mental health training for existing staff and also invest in more councillors, I'd like to create regular drop in sessions in the SU for students who need mental health support.

Who do you draw most inspiration from and why?

I draw inspiration from my parents and their work ethic, being carers for adults with learning difficulties showed me what impact someone can have just by helping, it is a 24hr non-stop role and their willingness to sacrifice many aspects of a work-life balance to help others has had a huge impact on myself and ultimately led me to make the decision to also become a carer for adults with learning difficulties. I thrive in positions where I can have a positive impact on someone else.

What is your proudest moment so far and why?

My proudest achievement has to be securing my placement year role, I showed determination through covid to continue searching for roles when many placement opportunities had been cancelled due to the pandemic. I worked for months understanding what was needed to become successful at intense interviews and assessment centres and eventually my hard work and tenacity paid off when I was offered 3 different positions.

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