Candidate for the position of President Students' Union

Image for Lee Allen

Lee Allen

What is your name? 

Lee Allen

What course are you studying?

BSc (Hons) Politics with Foundation

What stage of your course are you currently studying?

First Year

What motivated you to run for a full-time representative role?

My primary motivation was when asking people I knew about their experiences within and around campus a worryingly high number told me, they had been made to feel uncomfortable by someone else and did not feel that their complaints would be taken seriously if they came forward. Combined with my own personal experiences of people’s prejudice, I believe I can make a great improvement to the quality of life of all students on campus.

Why do you think you would be a good President?

I believe I would be a good President because I am dedicated to change, where others see either stagnation or satisfactory results I see disaster if we are not thriving to change important aspects of Society then I fail to see what we are striving for I have a multitude of plans including tackling the stigma towards assault victims coming forward, drawing up a new Sports strategy through working in collaboration with sports teams and most of all ensuring no one is left by the waist side.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

"Perseverant, eccentric & caring."

If you could change one thing about the work of the SU, what would that be? 

One thing I would change is ensuring that the red box scheme is promoted effectively by the SU around campus as a concerningly high number of students I have spoken to who are struggling with the cost of food and period products did not know of it's existence. So my first act as President on day one would be to ensure there is a page on the UPSU website dedicated to it so students who require it know where to go.

Why did you chose to study at the University of Plymouth?

I chose to study at the university of Plymouth because due to my working class background and autism I found it quite difficult during my time in Sixth form to understand the topics, so when looking for Universities which would be suitable for me Plymouth stuck out when I looked at reviews online and spoke to graduates they described Plymouth as a place which was welcoming of neurodivergent students but not patronising in any way behaviour which I had grown accustomed to during my studies.

What is your favourite thing about Plymouth?

If I had to choose one thing I love most about Plymouth it is the sense of community that whether you were born in Plymouth or came from another region of the UK or the world it is an inviting place for all different people, and regardless of nationality, religion etc. People are able to create a bond over their shared love for different topics.

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