RON & The Voting System

UPSU uses an online voting system run by our web provider MSL. During the elections process UPSU can see how many votes have been cast and who has voted but the way in which votes were cast is never shared.

There is a short video available which explains how the voting system works.
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How does it work?

The Alternative Vote (AV), also known as Transferable Vote, is a preferential system where the voter has the chance to rank the candidates in order of preference.

The voter puts a "1" by their first choice a "2" by their second choice, and so on, until they no longer wish to express any further preferences or run out of candidates.

Candidates are elected outright if they gain more than half of the first preference votes. If not, the candidate who lost (the one with least first preferences) is eliminated and their votes are redistributed according to the second (or next available) preference marked on the ballot paper. This process continues until one candidate has half of the votes and is elected.

Voters are also able to vote for Re-open Nominations (RON), you can vote for RON at any stage of the voting.

Re-Open Nominations (RON)

RON stands for Re-Open Nominations. UPSU believes that you, the voter, should always have the choice to make a positive vote, even if you don't agree with the policies of any of the candidates standing. This means that even those candidates who appear to be standing alone for a post still need to convince you that they are the best person for the job.

UPSU would urge you to consider this carefully. Don't be prepared to vote for someone to represent you if you genuinely don't think they are the best person for the job. Equally, don't think that not voting will help either. The winners of these elections are the voice of the students on how this university develops and delivers its service to you. If you really don't care whether your university is any good or not and decide not to vote, then the university will take that as a very positive message that they don't need to listen to students. You will then find it much harder to be heard if you have a problem.

Stand up and be counted and make a positive vote. Vote for every post and, if you don't agree that the candidate is good enough to represent you, then vote for RON. But most importantly of all, VOTE! Your future depends on it.

No Further Preference (N.F.P)

Placing a "1" next to No Further Preferences is vote of abstention, see below. If you do not intend to abstain you should place a "1" next to your preferred option. Your preferred option will be either your preferred candidate or if you believe no candidate is suitable for the position Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N).

You should continue numbering your options consecutively in strict order of preference until you are indifferent between the remaining unnumbered options. At this stage you should assign the next number in sequence to No Further Preferences. The Voting system will not accept Ballot Forms where an option is numbered subsequently to No Further Preferences.

Please note that under no circumstances can a later preference count against an earlier preference.

Selecting No further Preferences (N.F.P) is an expression of indifference towards all remaining options.
Selecting Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N) is an active vote against all remaining candidates.

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