How to Apply for a Role

1. Choose a Role

What position do you want to run for? Look at the positions available to stand in a consider if you would suit the role.
The following roles are up for election:

The Presidents are full-time, paid roles and are open to all current University of Plymouth students. The start date for these positions is 1st July 2025.

  • President Students' Union
  • President Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business
  • President Faculty of Health
  • President Faculty Science and Engineering

2. Read the Elections Rules

Before you decide whether or not you want to apply yourself as a applicant in the Student Elections, make sure that you read the Election rules and familiarise yourself with the Election process and what being an applicant involves. If you are unsure of anything or would like to learn more then get in touch with our Student Voice team on

3. Complete the Online Application Form

Simply log in with your University log in details on, head to and complete the online application.

4. Complete your Candidate Profile

This year we have changed the application process for students running for roles in the Student Elections. Candidates will no longer be asked to write a full manifesto outlining what they propose to achieve if elected. Instead, this written piece will be in a Q&A format whereby candidates will be required to provide answers to seven key questions that will enable voters to decide who will fit each role the best. You'll receive details on this, and everything else onwards, from the Student Voice Team.

5. Complete the Online Candidate Training

All candidates must complete an online e-learning course which outlines the Election rules, key contacts, your responsibilities as a candidate around campaigning an tips for running your campaign.

Shortly after applications close on Monday 5th February you will be sent a link to the e-learning course. This is compulsory and if you have not completed the training you will not be added to the ballot.

6. Come Along to a Candidate Workshop

As well as the compulsory e-learning training, we’ll also be hosting a series of workshops which will be an opportunity for you to get to know your fellow candidates, chat to staff and to ask any questions you may have.

These sessions are not compulsory but are in place for you to come along and access support and get feedback on your campaign in a supportive environment.

7. You're a Candidate

Congratulations, you’re officially a candidate standing in the Student Elections!

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