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University Mental Health Day: Self Care Evening
Thu 05 March 2020 18:00-21:00
Thursday 05 March 2020
6pm - 9pm
There will be lots of activities and information in the SU for University Mental health Day Student Minds Self-Care Event

University Mental Health Day is an annual national campaign brings together the University community to make mental health a University-wide priority and create ongoing year-round change to the future of student mental health.
Make your wellbeing a priority on University Mental Health Day by joining Student Minds for an evening of self-care, meditation, yoga, art, food, cosmetics and more.
- 6:30 - 7:30pm
Meditation with UPSU Meditation Society
Meditation society will be running 10-minute meditations accessible to all levels of experience. If you’d like to join, please come in and wait quietly until the next session begins.
- 7:30 - 8:00pm
Hollie Cullen discusses her experience of mental health
Come along and hear Hollie speak about her experiences of mental health and how pole fitness helped her overcome her illness.
- 8:00 - 9:00pm
Two yoga sessions (8:00-8:30pm and 8:30-9:00pm) will be running in the Little Room open to all to relax and unwind.
Plus, on the day you'll find:
- Art Society – mosaics, colouring, painting
UPSU art society will be supporting the event by offering a workshop where you can make your own mosaic coaster. We will also have mindfulness colouring and our own supplies of oil pastels and watercolour paint if you fancy a doodle.
- Aromatherapy
Selection of aromatherapy oils available with information on their benefits. Have a try!
- Face masks
Help yourself to a facemask to do now or later
- Tea and cake
Our sponsor Boston Tea Party will be providing some cakes plus we are offering free tea and coffee to those who’d like to sit and have a chat. Spending time with friends and talking about your mental health can boost your wellbeing, plus, free cake!
Hand massages
Treat yourself to a free hand massage by Sarah from Massage Solutions to relax and rejuvenate.
SU Gym offering information on how to get involved in their health and fitness facilities
Good nutrition and regular exercise are key for your mental and physical health, find out how you can fit more into your schedule with the SU gym.
What does self-care mean to you? – post-it-note board
Would you like to share what self-care means to you? Contribute to our self-care board and see what others do to promote their own wellbeing.
Information table with leaflets and resources from local and national charities and organisations
Find out more about what local services and charities have to offer to support your health and wellbeing.

All sponsored by Amano Student Support
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Event photography and video
Please be aware that some of the University of Plymouth Students’ Union events may be attended by UPSU approved photographers and videographers, for capturing content to be used in UPSU and University online and offline marketing and promotional materials,
for example webpages, social media or flyers. If for whatever reason, you or a member of your group, do not wish to be photographed, please make yourself known to staff working at the event on arrival or to the photographer.