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[Cancelled] Massaoke
Online (Zoom)
Wed 23 September 2020 20:30-22:00
Wednesday 23 September 2020
8:30pm - 10pm
Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled

Nothing beats Freshers' Week karaoke, what better way to make friends for life than by singing Bohemian Rhapsody with them at midnight? Well, we know this can't happen in person this year, but we're bringing you the best virtual version. Every Wednesday we will be playing Massaoke, which is where we all sing along together to some of the best songs of all time. It gets pretty hectic when done virtually, but it is a LOT of fun.

Each week will be themed, so look out for the theme and dress appropriately! We will be singing most songs together as a massive group. However; you will have a selection of songs to choose from which you can request to sing either on your own or in a smaller group. Make sure you’re confident enough for this and know where the microphone is on your laptop.



No experience necessary, just be enthusiastic and let us know if you’re singing solo or in a group. The event host will be in touch with you before the event to discuss how it will work. If you would like to performer, please contact ESIREQUESTS@GMAIL.COM to arrange what you will need to do



Don't worry if you're not a singer, there will be some other fun and games thrown in to keep you entertained, and you can always sit back and watch everyone else sing.


How it works

  • Signup to the free event by login in to upsu.com with your university login. You need to have completed your University online enrolment to have access to your university email
  • You will be sent a Zoom link to your university email to join the call 24 hours before.
  • You can book up to 1 place per person, but you can have your friends from your house with you around the screen.
  • You will be sent a Zoom link to your university email to join the call 24 hours before the event



This event is run by The Students' Union any questions regarding this event please contact: The Students' Union on info@upsu.com

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Please be aware that some of the University of Plymouth Students’ Union events may be attended by UPSU approved photographers and videographers, for capturing content to be used in UPSU and University online and offline marketing and promotional materials, for example webpages, social media or flyers. If for whatever reason, you or a member of your group, do not wish to be photographed, please make yourself known to staff working at the event on arrival or to the photographer.

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