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Refreshers Fair (Clubs, Societies & Volunteering) 2022
The SU
Wed 02 February 2022 12:00-16:00
Wednesday 02 February 2022
noon - 4pm
Find out about joining sports clubs and societies and get involved with your SU.

What better way to get you back into Uni life post-Christmas than our annual Refreshers Fair? We know the first term of the year can be a bit crazy and you may have missed some of the amazing things you can do with your SU membership, it's never too late to make the most of your SU.

Find out about joining sports clubs and societies while getting involved with your SU.

If you're looking for discounts and offers then check out the Refreshers Fair (Discounts and Freebies) 2022 on Tuesday 1st February.


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Who will be there:
 Society / Club Cost to join
Adventure & Expo £35
Big Band £5
Book Club £2
Boxing £10
Business Society £5
Choir £10
Clay Pigeon Shooting £15
Cycling £25
Debate Society Free
Enactus £5
Environmental Society £5
Fencing £15
First Aid Society Free
First Love Society Free
Fishing £10
Flag Football £10
Golf £30 - £275
International Latin Society £5
Knit Fast Die Warm £5
Lacrosse £25
Law Society £20
Make a Smile Free
Meditation £4
Occupational Therapy £5
Pentecost Students and Associates Free
Plymouth Gazette £5
Plymouth Night Patrol Free
Psychology £3
Raise and Give (RAG) Free
Roundnet £7
Skate £5
Squash £40
Students for Global Health Free
Surf Lifesaving £30
SwitchUP! £3
Tamil Society £3
Tropical Island Society £2
Ukulele £3
Underwater Hockey £15
Windriders £25
Yacht £20
Zoological Society £5
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Please be aware that some of the University of Plymouth Students’ Union events may be attended by UPSU approved photographers and videographers, for capturing content to be used in UPSU and University online and offline marketing and promotional materials, for example webpages, social media or flyers. If for whatever reason, you or a member of your group, do not wish to be photographed, please make yourself known to staff working at the event on arrival or to the photographer.

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