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World Earth Day - Climate Fresk
UPSU Volunteering
SU Little Room
Mon 22 April 2024 13:00-16:00
Monday 22 April 2024
1pm - 4pm
Join the sustainability team on World Earth Day 2024 as they hold a Climate Fresk in the Students Union

The University of Plymouth Sustainability Team invite you to participate in a free, interactive workshop to raise your awareness of the complex nature of climate change, giving an overview to this vast problem and provide the keys to understand in order to act effectively. We are hosting the event with staff volunteers, who will guide tables of eight through the Fresk. Awareness gained in this session will help you understand why the University decided to declare a Climate Emergency in 2019 and create a path to Net Zero

Knowledge gained in this session may support your academic and research interests, with this interactive workshop strongly linking with our Core Principle of Sustainability. Following on from the Fresk there may be additional opportunity to train up as a student facilitator which can be used whilst at University and within employment.    

Climate Fresk (Climate Fresk (world) - Climate Fresk) is an interactive workshop created in 2015 by Cédric Ringenbach, as a fun, creative and collaborative approach to learning about climate change. It gives an introduction to the functioning of the climate system as well as causes and consequences of its disruption – so no experience or knowledge of climate change is required to part. 

All are welcome to join in! Please Purchase a Free Ticket in order to attend as there are only 16 spaces available! 

  • Sustainability
  • Volunteering
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Please be aware that some of the University of Plymouth Students’ Union events may be attended by UPSU approved photographers and videographers, for capturing content to be used in UPSU and University online and offline marketing and promotional materials, for example webpages, social media or flyers. If for whatever reason, you or a member of your group, do not wish to be photographed, please make yourself known to staff working at the event on arrival or to the photographer.

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