Looking after yourself

We want all of our students and staff to feel and achieve their best here at the University of Plymouth. To support this, we have developed a mental health and wellbeing plan – and we want to hear from each of you to ensure we’re getting it right.

who we want to be

We will foster a distinctive Plymouth community which empowers all our students and staff to feel and perform at their best.

what we want to achieve

To support and improve the wellbeing of all our students and staff.

Together, we will ensure...

Students and staff have access to a broad range of activities and opportunities to support positive wellbeing, enable active participation in the university community and reduce loneliness

Our community can access appropriate support, advice or guidance, dependent on need and level of risk

Everyone in our community will have access to training and education to support their own and others’ mental health and wellbeing

Wellbeing will be considered in everything we do, including pedagogy, policies, practices, processes, and the physical environment

Through thorough evaluation, we will enhance our knowledge, improve our activities, and share what we know with others in the sector to help promote better mental wellbeing in university settings.

How will we know if we’re on the right track?
We will provide an evaluation framework and support for those with responsibility for leading the plans and activities to evaluate them carefully.
This may include:
  • Activity evaluations
  • Staff/student feedback
  • Service and impact evaluations using recognised research methods
  • Service Standards
  • Staff/student surveys
  • Attendance at events/activities & society memberships
  • Qualitative evaluation
We will use a standardised instrument (e.g. The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scales (WEMWBS)) to:
  • Understand current levels of student and staff wellbeing (on an annual basis)
  • Compare results (if possible) with other institutions/organisations
What’s happening and how it will make a difference:
During the 2024/25 academic year, our new Mental Health and Wellbeing Plan is being developed, tested, and consulted on, before it is revised and rolled out across the University of Plymouth.

The University is committed to improving and maintaining the mental health and wellbeing of all our students and staff. This includes:
  • Ensuring everyone in our community can access appropriate support, advice and guidance when they need it.
  • Extending and embedding training and education in this area, to make sure we’re able to help ourselves and each other.

Our community’s wellbeing is considered in everything we do, including teaching, policies, processes, and our physical environment.
We are also committed to continuous learning, so we can enhance our knowledge and share our experience of promoting mental health and wellbeing in an education setting with others.
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