
TW Sexual Violence and Harrassment: The content and links on the following page(s) relate to assault, abuse and harassment, which may affect or trigger survivors and other students. If you need support, please visit the University's Support page for detailed information on internal and external support services, as well as specialist services

Disability Discrimination  

The Equality Act, 2010 (EA) generally defines a disabled person as someone who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. 

Disability hate crimes and non-crime incidents are acts which target a victim because of the offender's hostility to a disabled person or disabled people in general. 

Disability Rights UK have produced a report for disabled people who may have experienced a hate incident or hate crime, this includes information on what ableist discrimination may look like, how you can report and other charities that can support you. 

Disability Rights Hate Incident Report


External Support

Stop Hate UK: a charity that provides independent and confidential support to people affected by Hate Crime

True Visiona police-funded site which provides information about hate crimes, how you can get support and the ability to report incidents online. 

Disability Information and Advice Line (DIAL) : provide information and support to individuals living with disability throughout the United Kingdom.

Mencap: a charity providing advice and support and information to work for a world where people with a learning disability are valued equally, listened to and included. 

Mind: provide support and advice for those experiencing mental health problems. 

Respond: a national charity providing therapy and specialist support services to people with learning disabilities, autism or both who have experienced abuse, violence or trauma

Scope: provide practical information and emotional support for disabled people and campagin for a better society 

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