TW Sexual Violence and Harrassment: The content and links on the following page(s) relate to assault, abuse and harassment, which may affect or trigger survivors and other students. If you need support, please visit the University's Support page for detailed information on internal and external support services, as well as specialist services

LGBTQ+ Hate Incidents 

According to Stonewall, 1/5 LGBT people have experienced a hate crime in the past 12 months because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. 

Stonewall Report on LGBT Discrimination


As a member of the LGBT+ community, you are entitled to feel safe being yourself. 

LGBT+ charity Galop offer an important reminder that you are entitled to: 

  • Be treated fairly and with respect by any service you talk to
  • Have the police record anti-LGBT+ abuse as a hate crime
  • Have the police consider your opinion in deciding how to respond
  • Have information about your identity treated confidentially
  • Be called by the name and pronouns you ask them to use
  • Be kept informed about the progress of your case
  • Be offered other forms of support if you need it


Support at the Univeristy

Dignity and Respect Advisors 

If you have experienced behavior such as harassment or bullying, students at the university can access a Dignity and Respect Advisor. These advisors will provide a listening ear and go through your options with you. They will only pass on details of your discussion with your permission (excpet in the case of a serious allegation) 

If you’d prefer to speak with a specific advisor due to race or gender etc., then include this in your request. You can confidentially email if you’d like to talk with an advisor.  

Request a Dignity and Respect Advisor

UPSU Advice

The UPSU Advice team offer free, confidential and independent support and guidance to University of Plymouth students. If you need support following an incident our team of Advisors will be able to talk you through the next steps and signpost you to appropriate services.

UPSU Advice Team

Student Wellbeing Services 

Student Wellbeing Services is a multi-disciplinary team comprising Mental Health, Counselling, and Pastoral & Spiritual Support. Working from Student Hub, if you complete a form they wil be able to direct you to the appropriate support. 

Student Wellbeing Services Website


External Support

Stop Hate UK: a charity that provides independent and confidential support to people affected by Hate Crime

True Visiona police-funded site which provides information about hate crimes, how you can get support and the ability to report incidents online. 

Intercom Trust:  a local South West based charity which can point you in the right direction for support, including a confidential helpline. 

Galop: national organisation supporting LGBT victims

LGBT Consortiumhave a large directory of their member organisations and work to build the resource, sustainability and resilience of LGBT+ groups, organisations and projects across the UK

Albert Kennedy Trustsupports lgbtq+ young people aged 16-25 in the uk who are facing or experiencing homelessness or living in a hostile environment.

LGBT Foundation : a national charity delivering advice, support and information services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.

Stonewallcampaign charity which stand for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace (LGBTQ+) people everywhere. 

Regardprovides information, advice and support to LGBTQi disabled people

Trans Unit: a directory of transgender support groups across the UK

Beaumont Society: the largest and longest established transgender support gorup in the UK 

Togetherall: access mental health support online by registering for free.

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