Library Feedback

Written by: Student Voice

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The Make a Change tool is also for non-academic, wider student experience feedback as well! This is an example of student feedback from last year around the library, which hopefully explains what kind of issues we mean by student experience. If you're ever in doubt about where to take feedback, you can always get in touch with the Student Voice team at UPSU through our email


At the Academic Sub-Committee which took place on the 15th of November, 2022, students provided feedback around the Library and the services that it provides. Some of the student feedback raised was about how it can be unfair that students can book study spaces for up to 12 hours, especially around exam periods, library staff not being aware of the support that is available for neurodiverse students and that it appeared that some open-access computers in the library were not powerful enough to run certain sortware that students needed for coursework.


At the following Academic Sub-Committee, on the 12th of December, 2022, staff from the library attended, to answer some of the feedback that had been raised at the last session. Around students being able to constantly book out spaces in the library, staff said that this was an error on their system, and this was the first time that they had heard about it. Following the meeting, this issue was resolved, and helped students to be able to book study spaces. With the feedback around support for neurodiverse students, the library had refreshed the training for staff, and ensured that coloured paper was easily accessible for students who needed it.




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