Adventure & Expo society head to Dartmoor for their first away trip of the year!

Written by: Adventure & Expo

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On the 12th-13th of October, the Adventure & Expedition society headed to Dartmoor for a weekend of outdoor climbing, bouldering, walking and caving!

This trip was organised by this year's Trip Sec, Harry Steele, and is a annual tradition for the Adventure and Expedition society which helps to introduce new society members to the type of activities the group get up to throughout the year, and provides an opportunity for new and existing members to get together and socialise following the summer break. 


We had 52 members attend, including 11 commitee members that all stayed overnight in Dewerstone cottage.

"Our members had the option of outdoor climbing, bouldering, walking or caving each day in different locations across Dartmoor, followed by a saturday night social in the hut! We hope to see more members on upcoming trips such as to the Brecon Beacons and Snowdonia - get in contact to find out more!" 



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