Student groups Adventure & Expo and Canoe & Kayak team up for a trip to try new activities

Written by: Adventure & Expo

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On the 27th January 2024, student groups Adventure & Expo and Canoe & Kayak took a trip to Exeter to visit the climbing centre and kayaking at the Quay.

Felix Checksfield, Secretary of Adventure & Expo, got in touch to share the success of this trip which was open to members of either club...


"We ran a trip to Exeter where we gave all participants a change to climb and kayak, therefore doing a familiar and potentially new activity.

The event was run purely to expand the opportunities available to members of both clubs, something we continually prioritise.  Overall, the trip was highly successful and enjoyed by members from both clubs.


Awesome people, awesome activities, happy day and happy time! 


Members mentioned how great it was to be able to try a new activity, as well as meet new people both from the other clubs, but also for newer members within their own club.

The only more negative feedback we received was participants wanting the sessions to be longer!"


I enjoyed it as someone who just joined the A&E club, everyone was friendly and the activities were great fun.  


  Photo: Kayaking on the Quay, Exeter.


It was fantastic to see people trying and enjoying climbing and kayaking, in some cases for the first time, as well as spending time with the group, regardless of experience or skill level! -- Felix Checksfield, Secretary of Adventure & Expo




Interested in joining Adventure & Expo?

"Adventure & Expo is Plymouth University’s one-stop club for Climbing, Caving, Mountaineering/Hiking and Slacklining. It is all about getting you out into the great outdoors and having a laugh in the process! From a casual walk along the coast path or a full-on roped-up mountain assault to an underground adventure, we have it all!

We pride ourselves in being friendly and approachable so even if you have never climbed/caved/walked before, come and say hi and let us share our enthusiasm with you. There is some stunning scenery on your doorstep in Plymouth and something for everyone. Come join us on an adventure you will never want to forget! We aim to be accessible to all, and host activities for all abilities and experience!" 

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Interested in joining the Canoe and Kayak Club??

"We are UPSU Canoe and Kayak Club, we were founded in 2005 and have been thriving ever since.  We have built a reputation over the years for providing something for everyone no matter what your interests or ability. We are a friendly club with the sole intent to get our members out and about as much as we can whilst offering training and a safe environment to learn new skills and of course meet new people. We also offer some of the cheapest trips of any water sports club and unlimited free training sessions."

Get in touch!

Follow Canoe and Kayak Club on socials: Instagram and Facebook.


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