Written by: University of Plymouth Archery Club https://www.upsu.com/sports/clubs/archery/
On Saturday 18th of march the University of Plymouth Archery Club attended BUCS finals at Warwick University.

After months of training and a lot of people missing out on going to qualifiers, five made it to the finals.

"It was an early start, we got there for 7:15am for an 8am start. Shooting in the first session were three of our archers, and in the second session there were two. Throughout the day the hall heated up as the competition got under way.
Marilyn Wong seeded first for women’s barebow. El Green seeded thrid for women’s longbow and Dylan Halse seeded 44th for men’s recurve. These people all made it through to head to heads.
The head to heads started at 3pm after a long morning. Marilyn ended up in a one arrow shoot off in her quarter finals, she ended up winning all of her head to heads and coming first.
Dylan ended up coming 6th after all his head to heads. El ended up fighting for the bronze medal but ended up coming fourth overall.
Once again it was an incredibly successful day and we look forward to taking more archers next year."
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