School of Art, Design and Architecture School Rep Update

Written by: Steve Ailemen, ADA School rep

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What a glorious way to round up this semester seeing the power of our feedback.

While some of us are already preparing for holiday, some tidying up their assessments, and whatnot, whatever our individual level from foundation to undergraduate stage 1 through 3 to masters, it is worthwhile to close this session with appreciations to the Student Voice for responding to our feedback and making our unanimous voice loud and audible to effect required changes, providing us adequately conducive learning environment.


As we celebrate those of us who will be graduating and with our arms widely open to warmly welcome freshers to the campus, I would like to, on behalf of all School Reps and Course Reps in the School of Art, Design and Architecture (ADA) and the Faculty of Arts, Humanity and Business at large, with a loud voice, say a ‘BIG THANK YOU’ to our school, University of Plymouth for listening to our voice and implementing our feedback.


In response to our feedback, Scot 105 and other rooms were reconfigured. During the exercise, alternative lecture rooms were arranged for uninterrupted lecture flow. Furniture was rearranged and tables were moved. Computers were put back to their feet and the network was also reinstated so that students can access the computers


I have also noticed an improved Media Hub booking system which, in my opinion, will allow more students to access the recording studio, editing studios and other facilities administered by the Hub. This, I perceived, is in response to our feedback that the studio is heavily booked and some students were unable to make bookings.


All these achieved success would not have been possible without the cooperation of the Course Reps who committed themselves to gather feedback from their various cohorts and sending those feedback to me so I can escalate them to the necessary quarters. Therefore, I would also like to say a ‘BIG THANK YOU’ to all ADA Course Reps and cohorts.



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