School of Biomedical Sciences School Rep Update

Written by: Israel Scheid

Hi everyone,

I am representing the School of Biomedical Science as your School Rep. At this time,  I do not have anything major to report as I was elected in November. I have been in contact with all of the Course Reps in the School and the issues they had were addressed at the Programme Committee Meeting we had with a Programme Leader this week, which I also attended.

In the meeting, it was fed back that there were issues around deadlines and that's due to the loss of one weeks' teaching which we were made aware of at the beginning. 

I have also attended the Faculty Teaching and Learning Quality Committee, and the School Teaching and Learning Quality Committee. 

This year, I am hoping to get more people involved in wanting to be a Course Rep. If you would like to be a Course Rep and you're on a course in my School, let your Programme Leader know.


I am still looking for a Deputy School Rep, if you are a Course Rep and are interested in this role, please contact me at

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