Canoe Club, Marine Biology, Yacht Club, & Sailing Club collaborate for a beach clean & shore survey

Written by: Canoe Club

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On 30th November we (Canoe Club) hosted a beach clean and litter pick with the Marine Biology Society, the Yacht Club and the Sailing Club at Mount Batten beach; a beautiful spot looking out onto Plymouth sound which is used by many members of these societies. 

Our aim was to give back to the environment we all love and give back to the community. We split into groups to collect as much litter as possible and collectively we collected several large bags of litter that we were able to dispose of properly. 

Despite the weather, everyone engaged and came away with smiles all round. By sharing our efforts, we hope to inspire other people to do the same as with a collective clean-up effort throughout the community, we’ll be able to keep our beaches cleaner.


I learned how to put environmental safety into action and how to apply the things I learned in my environmental management course. I enjoyed having people around me that I know from our society and getting to know people from the others to spend time with and improve our environment and beach! – Arjun (UPYC)



Shore Survey 

After our beach clean, the Marine Biology Society briefed us on how to do a shore survey. This survey was insightful for all participants and was a great way to learn about the local marine environment that we have just cleaned.


I really enjoyed going to the litter pick! It's wonderful to know I'm part of a community of students at the University of Plymouth who truly care about maintaining our coasts litter free. It was such a fun Saturday morning with friends. – Bea (UPYC)



It was great to see so many people come together, despite the weather, to do something for the community and our marine environment! There were many smiles all round and lots of new friendships formed in the process. – Hannah (UPCC President and UPYC Environmental Sec)



We thought it was a great opportunity to socialise with all the other clubs whilst doing our bit for the environment. We would definitely be up for doing it again! - Naomi (UPSS Sustainability Sec)



I loved it! I enjoyed meeting everyone and spending the morning at the beach! – Lucy (UPCC)


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