Plymouth Storm Cheerleading have their first competition of the year at ICC Wales

Written by: Cheerleading Club

Plymouth Storm Cheerleading have their first competition of the year at ICC Wales

On the 16th of February 2025, Plymouth Storm Cheerleading's competition teams headed to ICC Wales for their first competition of the season with Level 2 - reign winning first place in their division and Level 1 - Nebular coming in 2nd in their division!



It was an incredible start to our competition season, and I’m so proud of our coaches and athletes for all their hard work that led to this amazing victory! Our Level 1 team also performed brilliantly, securing 2nd place with a wonderful performance, especially for those competing for the first time. Everyone should be really proud of themselves, and I can't wait to see what else Storm accomplishes in the coming weeks! - Katie Fryett, Plymouth Storm President





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