Written by: University of Plymouth Cycling https://www.upsu.com/sports/clubs/cycling/
Earlier this month, University of Plymouth Cycling (UPC) took part in the St Luke's Tour de Moor 2023 to raise money for St Luke's Hospice, a local Plymouth charity working with people in need of end-of-life care.
UPC shared with us an overview of the day....
On the 8th of October, a team of UPC members and Alumni completed the Tour de Moor 2023, in aid of St Luke's Hospice. St Luke's is an amazing charity that provides support and advice to people with progressive life-limiting illnesses in Plymouth, South West Devon and East Cornwall.
Our team took on the toughest challenge on offer, a gruelling 52km of gravel, road, grass and mud on an unusually hot October day. They all finished the ride in just over four hours, crossing the line together.

It was great to see all the support for our riders and the Hospice, as a club we raised almost £500 in under two weeks.
We'd like to say a massive thank you to everyone who donated to our cause, and to those who came to see us at the event itself.
We're already looking forward to riding for St Luke's Hospice again next year!
Stay in touch with UPC
Follow them on Instagram: @plymunicycling
Website: linktr.ee/plymunicycling
Concidering getting a membership to UPC? Click here for more information.