School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences Rep Update

Written by: Adam Holt, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences Rep


Over the last few weeks, I have been starting to get to grips with my role as the school rep for the school of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences. On the 24th of November we had our first course rep drop-in meeting, the following points were raised:

  • There was a concern about courses with a very small population (fewer the 10 people) could be underrepresented. I will be having a chat with these course reps to ensure their voices are heard.
  • The position of Deputy within the school is still open, if anyone would like to fill this position then please do contact me, or alternativity let us know at our next course rep drop-in meeting.
  • If anyone would like to start/ continue a campaign for positive change at the university, me and your course representatives are more then happy to start the process for beginning a campaign.
  • I will be sending out a questionnaire to course reps, asking when they would like the next catch-up meeting, please let them know if you would anything brought up at this meeting.

On a personal note, this position is quite new to myself. I will be learning on the job, as time goes on I will gain more experience and be able to more affectively carry out my role, hopefully you can all understand this!

Thank you very much for reading.

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