Plymouth ISOC Sharing Their Vision Of Unity - Charity Week 2021

Written by: Islamic Society


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Charity Week 2021 was a week where communities around the world united for one cause: charity. 

The Plymouth Islamic Society always loves participating in the Islamic Relief’s charity week campaign. This is because it is 100% volunteer-led, and does not discriminate against any volunteer, donor, or recipient.

You may be surprised to learn raising money is not their main goal. It’s about the promotion of unity. They want to ensure young adults are inspired to want to make a change in the world. 



"Charity week is one week of the year where people from across the globe come together to fundraise for orphans and needy children across the world. The aim is not to raise lots of money, but more importantly to unite the people for a good cause. We believe in putting aside our differences, and coming together as one body is the only way we can make a difference in our world today! Everyone at Plymouth ISOC has worked really hard to spread the vision of unity and came together for a great cause. I am really proud of everyone who got involved with charity week this year, and the dedication, hard work and enthusiasm shown by all of our volunteers."


- Society President, Aneesa, on unity during charity week



This year it took place between 24th-31st October. With last year’s committee raising over £10,000 in one week during the lockdown, we knew we had a lot to live up to! 

The events we held were:
24th: Dartmoor (Central Park) hike
25th: Funfair 
26th: Brothers Fifa night/ Sisters Ladies night 
27th: Games night
28th: Sisters muslympics/ Brothers cricket
29th: Bucketing at Piety and the City Centre
7th: Exeter charity week dinner
And the iconic charity week bake sale every weekday outside the library. 




"It was so great to be able to experience charity week again this year. It was a big miss last year due to no physical events and restrictions on gatherings of people due to COVID. I have always been amazed by the spirit charity week produces in people and just how generous everyone can be. My favourite part of it was how many different volunteers we and just how large a number of people engaged with it over the week.’"


- Islamic Society Vice President, Daud




"Now that charity week has come to an end I feel helpless. Counting down the days until next year!"


- Society Committee Member.


This is one of the best weeks of the year for our ISOC with such fun events taking place every day for such a great cause. 

It was amazing to see so many freshers getting involved! 



"This was my first time taking part in charity week, and it felt like I was at home! My favourite part was setting up games for people to play, alongside our bake sale. I had so much fun working with others and have made friends for life! I was also able to approach strangers and was thrilled by how open they were to donating to this great cause. Some even came back to donate multiple times! I did not expect to be able to raise this much in a relatively remote area like Plymouth."

- Society Fresher Member, Ahamed Anas


The highlight of the week was the great charity week dinner!



"The hype and excitement for the charity dinner began months in advance. Over the summer, we began with weekly meetings over zoom to discuss and plan how it would all work. During the planning stage, everything was thought through so thoroughly in terms of the details such as the itinerary, decoration, catering and auction items. Our biggest challenge was making the night as glamorous as it was on such a tight budget. The highlight was when the vision came alive, seeing everything fall into place on the day, everyone’s huge smiles and ultimately raising money for such a great cause!"


- Charity Week Dinner Co-organiser, Fatima Yusuf




To find out how much Plymouth raised, come down to the charity week finale on November 27th.

Follow @ISOCPLYMOUTH on Instagram for more details! 


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