The Law Society host their Annual Cheese & Wine Night

Written by: UPLS, Law Society


The University of Plymouth Law Society hosts a range of activities and events throughout the year such as academic competitions, sporting events, charity events, and socials. 



On the 2nd of December 2021, the Law Society held their annual cheese and wine networking event, which has been running over the last few years. This is usually run by the elected Events and Activities officer pairing, this year's pairing was India Ellis and Mollie Pellowe they wanted the event to be special due to the pandemic. In order to do this, they immediately started planning after the handover in May 2021, their aim was to have a special venue and a wide range of professionals to reflect jobs students want to explore for their own futures. 

For this years event, they decided to choose The Box as the venue was stunning inside. 

To achieve their second aim, they asked what their members wanted to see and looked for from professionals in the local area. This led the cheese and wine night to be the biggest yet with nearly 200 guests in attendance. 




India Ellis the Co-Events and Activities Officer for the Law Society had this to say about the event: 

"Mollie and I were very pleased with the cheese and wine event, it took 6 months of planning and lot of hard work. It was not without its problems, and it was challenging at times and felt it was not going to come together. But we worked really hard to get it done and the event went really well, and feedback was excellent. Students made excellent connections, they got work-experience, volunteering opportunities, advice, connections, and judge marshalling.

I hope next year’s cheese and wine event is just as successful (I am sure it will be) as it is a favourite of the society and the local legal community." 



If you're interested in joining the law society then you can find out more HERE


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