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The Shipping Society organise a Successful Networking night with Clarksons

Written by: Shipping Society

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On the 7th February, 2023, the Shipping Society worked alongside the lecturers in the Maritime courses of the University of Plymouth to organise a guest lecture from Clarksons, where over 100 students got to hear about what Clarksons does, how they work and what opportunities the students may have in the company after graduating.

The lecture was followed by a networking social at the Treasury where lecturers, students and industry professionals all joined for conversation, drinks and music.

"The lecture was very interesting, highlighting what the different roles in the company entails as well as painting a picture of what the every day life in the company looks like. It was fun to have the opportunity to have a chat with the visitors after the lecture and hear about graduate opportunities in Clarksons" - Tove-Kjerstin Vea (Vice-Chair) 

"It was amazing to receive such invaluable information and advice from the Clarksons team, and it was especially interesting to hear about their experience studying at the University of Plymouth and how their time at the university helped shape their career" - Maria Michael (Secretary) 

"We are so grateful to have industry professionals that used to study at the University of Plymouth come down and talk to us about their careers and what opportunities are available to us in the future" - Lloyd Evans (Chair) 

"I liked hearing about the different aspects of Clarksons. I felt like I got something out of the lecture even though I am not looking to go into shipbroking which they are most known for" - Anne-Therese Vea (H&S Officer)

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