Plymouth Night Patrol Have a New Look!

Written by: Plymouth Night Patrol



At its inception, Plymouth Night Patrol was founded to provide predominantly welfare support to the students here at the University of Plymouth.

Orange was chosen as the colour of branding to distinguish Plymouth Night Patrol in this unique welfare role and has become well associated with their teams. As the scheme has grown, its volunteers have developed and gained skills beyond what the founders could have ever dreamt of.



Plymouth Night Patrol now provides professionally trained emergency medical personnel to a range of incidents, being called upon by police, ambulance, and door staff to be the first response to critically unwell patients as well as providing see and treat service to a wide range of urgent care needs across the city.

With these changes, the scheme's leadership team and stakeholders have decided a rebrand is due - and so they would like to introduce their new uniform and livery, moving towards an ambulance green to reflect the changing requirements of their service and to bring them in line with emergency medical colleagues.




Here is what Ash Marsden a first responder for Plymouth Night Patrol had to say:

 "The new uniforms help to serve as a visible reminder of our purpose as healthcare workers and provide an increased feeling of safety in our presence for service users"

- Ash Marsden - First Responder

Look out for the teams in their new and shiny colours; the same service, the same committed volunteers - new and upgraded 


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