Pole Dance Club give daily blood donations for a week to Derriford Hospital

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Between Monday 22nd and Friday 26th of January, five members of the University of Plymouth Pole Dance Club volunteered to donate blood at Derriford Hospital. 

Pole Dance member, Elizabeth Harrison, shared with us why they made the decision to donate as a group, together...


"This week long event was organised to spread awareness and encourage members to donate blood, offering a helping hand with any nerves.

The cause successfully gained one volunteer per day, none of which had previously donated. The club advertised the tremendous benefits of donating blood, including saving lives, helping patients in need, and the emotional wellbeing and fulfilment. 


This was the first time I donated blood after wanting to for a long time. I’m so proud of this club for getting involved in a new way of giving back to the community in a more unique way, even those who were told they could not donate, I’m so happy they gave it a go. I was recently told my blood has gone to Worthing Hospital on the coast south of London, where I’m sure it’ll be used to help someone in need! -- Charlotte Woods

Unfortunately, three members were unable to donate blood on the day, due to too-small veins, so only two donations were made. The would-be-donors were encouraged to try again in a couple years, which they seemed happy to do so. 

The club are very proud of the effort members made, some unfortunately failing to get an appointment within the week, and others simply unable to donate.

Raising awareness and starting is often the most important thing, as the NHS now have many more willing donors (once those veins grow!).


Even though I was unable to give blood myself, it was lovely going with a group who were able to. The whole experience made me feel really good about the club and what we do! -- Emma Hornsby

Tracking was received from one of the clubs’ donors, and it’s great to know that someone in Worthing Hospital is receiving aid from our exciting and courageous activity. 

Donating blood is a simple yet powerful way to contribute to the well-being of other whilst also benefiting your own health."  

Giving blood is a kind of daunting thing, and I’m so proud of myself for ignoring that and just going to do it. Although I couldn’t’ donate on the day, I’m now not so scared of the process, after seeing it and how harmless it seemed so I will definitely be trying again as soon as I can. -- Elizabeth Harrison



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