UPRFC Movember Fundraising success

Written by: UPRFC https://www.upsu.com/sports/clubs/rugbym/

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This year, the University of Plymouth Men's Rugby Club (UPRFC) raised money during Movember, surpassing their initial fundraising target through social media initiatives and events hosted around Plymouth.

Raising money for Movember has become a club tradition for UPRFC who want to raise awareness of the Movember campaign and show their support for men's mental health and wellbeing. 


We raised £4148 this year, which has surpassed the target of £2500 and further surpassing last years achievement of £2953.


"This has only been achieved because of a club wide effort where all members have helped raise money by sharing the cause of Movember. It has also been boosted by individuals who have increase the amount raised further with their individual efforts," UPRFC shares.



Congratulations UPRFC - what an amazing achievement! 



Get in touch with the Men's Rugby Club: 

Follow them on Instagram: @uprfcinstagram and Facebook.

Email: universityofplymouthrugbyclub@gmail.com


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