Salem Campus Fellowship host weekly meets for students who want a safe space to share their faith

Written by: Salem Campus Fellowship

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Each Thursday, Salem Campus Fellowship get together in Role 101 from 19:00 - 21:00 to share a safe space to socialise and talk openly about thier faith. 


SCF has become a safe place where young believers can shape their faith and prayer life in God. - Miebaka Geoffrey, SCF Secretary


The SCF society is welcoming of all and embraces new members at the University of Plymouth who want to celebrate their love of God.


We are a community of believers who are strong, in faith, intimate with the Holy Spirit, empowered with the Wisdom of God. - Salem Campus Fellowship


Photo: Salem Campus Fellowship at the 2024 Welcome Societies Fair!



Get in touch with Salem Campus Fellowship:

"Follow our Instagram page for more details of the venue of our upcoming activities for the year and to ask us any questions!" - SCF

Instagram: @scfplymouth

  Find out more and become a member.


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