BUCS Men's Water Polo match against Swansea

Written by: UPSSWPC https://www.upsu.com/sports/clubs/swimmingwaterpolo/

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Water Polo Men's Captain, Calum Stokes, shared with us an overview of their BUCs compeition against Swansea back in November....



"An early start on Wednesday 8th November saw the Plymouth Men’s and Women’s 1s water polo teams travel up to Swansea. A long bus trip energised by the Men’s rugby 2s meant that once we all got off the bus, the men’s team could head straight into a warmup and start their game.

A strong starting seven in the water for both teams left all four quarters tightly contested, with Plymouth missing out on quite a few attempts on goal but staying in the game on a lose thread.

Our strong man in defence, Ben Turner had an early exit in the game due to three major fouls. This left an even playing field for both teams throughout the game. However, going into half time, a descent talking to by old boy Toby Marks gave the boys a boost and the final quarter was much more controlled.


With Ludovico scoring the winning goal in the last few minutes remaining on the clock. The men’s team won their game 14-15.


Overall, both teams played well and can be proud of their wins against Swansea.

The Men’s team look on towards their first Cup game against Cardiff University in early December." -Calum Stokes (Men’s Captain).



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