Saturday the 31st of April saw the players of Plymouth University Ultimate Frisbee club, past and present, descend onto Central Park for the inaugural charity alumni tournament. This was an event that had been mentioned numerous times in the past, both as a way to raise money for charity but also as a way to ensure that friendships forged at uni were not forgotten and for the alumni students to witness how Ultimate Frisbee in Plymouth is still thriving.
PICNIC, which is the nickname for the Ultimate Frisbee club, has been present at Plymouth uni for many years now and, as such, had a large number of alumni to call upon to attend the event. Many took up the call, with enough for four fully-fledged outdoor teams (minimum 7 a side) with subs being very useful as it was a beautifully warm day and there was some Easter chocolate to be run off!

The four teams comprised ‘Sue Black’ and ‘Ozone’ – both graduated alumni teams, as well as ‘PICNIC 1’ and ‘PICNIC A’ – teams formed of uni students. The experience and skill showed through from the alumni teams which, despite not playing together formally for several years, showed their abilities as both swept the uni teams aside to reach the final. A hard-fought game ensued with ‘Sue Black’, filled with players who attended Plymouth uni between the years of 2013-and 2017, emerging victorious as undefeated champions.
The third/fourth playoff took place between the two uni teams. PICNIC 1 started stronger but PICNIC A, captained by Liv Sims and Andrew Thompson – incoming team captains for the 2022-23 year, proved their worth and pulled back to take half 8-5 ahead. PICNIC 1 showed a lot of grit and determination to bring the score back to 8-8 when the whistle went, taking the game to universe point – the ultimate frisbee term for next point wins. Despite starting the point on defence, PICNIC 1 was able to turn the possession and score to claim the victory. Both teams contained a large number of beginner players who showed how far they have come this year. The future is very bright for the club!

The event was organised by the team manager Harry Sims, who took it upon himself to make the event happen after numerous discussions about it in the past. The games were accompanied by side activities such as Mölkky and Spikeball kept everyone entertained (courtesy of the Rounded club) alongside a BBQ. Many thanks go to Abi Wallis, James Walton and Jonny Gould for attending the BBQ and ensuring everyone was well fed!
The exact total raised for charity has not been counted just yet, but it will be around £300 once all the donations have been received. The money will be shared 50/50 between Plymouth Marrow and the DEC in support of the Ukraine conflict.
Congratulations to the victorious team and many thanks to everyone who came to make the event successful and raise lots of money for two really important causes. The club is hoping to make this an annual event, so here’s to many more in the future.
Here is what Harry Sims the event organiser and Team Manager had to say:
It is amazing that frisbee in Plymouth is thriving and allows us to not only have a good time but also to raise money for charity! A very good day
~ Harry Sims, event organiser and team manager
And James Walton a member of PICNIC had this to say on their experience of the day,
it was a friendly well natured tournament bringing together people who normally wouldn't play together, which was great to see, as well as proving the longevity of the frisbee club
~ James Walton.
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