Just like we look after our physical wellbeing by getting 5 portions of fruit and veg a day, we can look after our mental wellbeing by doing these 5 activities every day, Connect, Get Active, Keep Learning, Take Notice and Help Others.
Look at it like a mental health menu, pick the links that appeal to you and give them a go!
Connecting with others can make us feel close to people and valued for who we are. Chat to a friend or join a club. Here are some links to connect to FREE online and in person mental health support:

Many people find that physical activity helps them maintain positive mental health. Go for a wellbeing walk, run or join a gym. Here are some links to physical activities within the university and the local area, many are FREE:

We’re always learning new things, often without realising it. Feeling like you’re learning and developing can boost your self-esteem. Learn a new skill or hobby. Here are some links to some FREE workshops within the university to help you keep learning:

Reminding yourself to take notice can help you to be aware of how you’re feeling. It can help you understand what triggers feelings of stress and anxiety. Take some time out to do some mindful activities. Spend time in nature and visit a local park. Here are some links to FREE activities to help you take notice:

There has been lots of research about the effects of taking part in social and community life. Some studies have shown that people who help others are more likely to rate themselves as happy. Offer to help a friend or neighbour or volunteer with a local group. Here are some links to schemes to help others:
- Try joining the SU Buddy Scheme to help support other students with social activities.
- Volunteer with the SU and join in on some exciting opportunities.
- Join the Peers Assisted Learning Scheme (PALS) and help another student with study.
- There are lots of volunteering opportunities within Plymouth to help others in the local area.
- Volunteer with Grow4Good at Dartmoor Zoo.
- Timebank is a local organisation where you offer an hour of your time to get an hour back, skill swap can be anything, gardening, computer help, dog walking, baking, sewing etc.