Accommodation Support Update


These are tough and unprecedented times for all of us. Alongside the rest of the country, student wellbeing and experience has negatively been impacted by this pandemic. We want to reassure you that as a Sabbatical Officer team your Students’ Union is here for you.

Since the start of the pandemic, as your Vice President Wellbeing and Diversity, myself and the rest of your Sabbatical Officer team have been working behind the scenes every day for your wellbeing and education. Representing your voices in key meetings and ensuring that the challenges you face are taken into consideration.

We are listening to you and reviewing all the feedback that has come our way in light of the national lockdown. I wanted to keep you updated on the current work we are doing to address your concerns relating to accommodation. 




I have begun conversation with the University with regards to rent and support for students. I proposed the following to them for consideration:

  • Rent refunds for students who could not use their accommodation during the academic year due to the pandemic
  • Rent reductions for students during this new lockdown for the months of January/February
  • Allow students to be released from their contracts with University halls if they wish, without any penalties
  • Financial support for students staying in Private accommodation

We know that other Universities and private providers are taking steps with regards to rent and ways in which they are supporting disadvantaged students. We recognise this pandemic has had a significant impact on everyone and on students wellbeing; it needs to be taken into consideration over the coming weeks to ensure that our students are supported where possible through these financially uncertain time.

We will be raising this topic, along with your concerns surrounding the Safety Net as covered in this update from your VP Education, in our meeting with the Vice-Chancellor on Wednesday 13th January. 



Hardship Fund


In light of the current situation, the University is relaunching its hardship fund. As your Sabbatical Officer team, we are heavily involved in this discussion to ensure that students get the financial support they need during this unprecedented time. We have proposed an increase in the hardship fund for students to include rent payments as well additional funding to aid digital poverty. 

If you are struggling financially and you need support or guidance on your options, please get in touch with your free, friendly, confidential and entirely independent SU Advice team.


SU Advice Information Submit an Enquiry Form



We are here to listen to you.


We understand that the new lockdown brings new worries and concerns, so if you want to share your views then please email me at:


The more feedback we receive, the stronger our voice is and the better we can represent you.

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