Accommodation Support from SU Advice



Wherever you live, your accommodation is one of the most important parts of your life as a student and you should feel happy and safe living there. Before you sign a Tenancy Agreement our SU Advice Centre will happily check it over for free and talk you through what it means, any unusual clauses and your rights as a tenant.

Here at the SU we want to make sure that you find your perfect student home so check out this important information from your SU Advice team on how we can help, the importance of not signing a Tenancy Agreement before you're 100% sure and how crucial it is that you know your rights.


We want you to feel that you have the resources to make informed decisions about your accommodation. Check out the links below for more information:

We supports students with a wide range of accommodation issues, contracts, the Tenancy Deposit Scheme, inventories, bills, council tax, gas safety, ending your tenancy and moving out.

Our Advisors here at the SU Advice Centre offer confidential, independent and completely impartial advice and support on a range of issues. You can:

  • Book an appointment online here
  • Drop in to the Centre on the first floor of the SU (between 11am - 3pm, Monday - Friday)
  • Call us on 01752 588373
  • Email us on

Find out more about the SU Advice Centre here.

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