Advice on Publication of Results

Written by: SU Advice Centre

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December will see the publication of results, following extended referrals.

For many this will be the 12th December, but may vary for some programmes.

It is essential that you check your published results, and understand what this means for your progression.

You can find guidance on results here.

If you are unsure of anything please email a copy of your transcript to the Advice team and we will be happy to offer guidance.


If you plan to appeal you should be aware that you will have a deadline in which to do so. For many this will be the 3rd January 2023, but please check your results in case your date varies.

You can find guidance on appeals at:

The Advice team are able to offer support with appeals. We cannot help you to write your appeal but will be happy to read a draft and offer comment.


However, please note, the last working day for Advice will be Tuesday 20th December at 4pm, returning on 5th January 2023.

Therefore, if you require support with an appeal with a deadline on the 3rd January 2023, you will need to send your draft appeal by midday on 16th December to ensure that we have adequate time to respond.   


You can contact us at or complete our online enquiry form


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