An update on accommodation from your VP Wellbeing & Diversity


Following my update to you all last week (which you can read here), I wanted to let you know the current conversations that are being had surrounding accommodation support.

On Wednesday 13th January myself and the rest of your Sabbatical Officer team met with the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Plymouth, Judith Petts. The following points are an overview of those discussions.


University Managed Halls


In the meeting on Wednesday 13th January, I raised students' growing concerns about rent reductions and rebates. The Vice-Chancellor mentioned that the University does not actually own any of the halls of residence like some other Universities, the halls are managed through a third-party organisation called University Partnerships Programme (UPP). She added that the University is currently involved in active talks with UPP to discuss whether any financial relief can be offered to students, as your elected officers, we will be following this discussion closely and continuing to ensure that your voices are heard. 



Private Accommodation


For students staying in private accommodation, I raised your concerns in our meeting with the Vice-Chancellor. Moving this forward, on behalf of the Sabbatical team, I will be writing a joint letter with the Vice-Chancellor to private letting companies in Plymouth asking them to consider offering financial relief to students renting their properties. 

The SU Advice team and I are in the process of putting together a private accommodation toolkit which will include information and tips for students renting during the coronavirus lockdown period. I will be sharing this once it is completed. 

Please continue to let us know all your concerns, as your elected officers, we will continue to listen to you and raise your concerns to the University. Rest assured we will continue to ensure the voices of all our students are heard!



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