Our B.A.R.S Program is looking for Buddies!



The programme Be Active, Reduce Stress (BARS) is looking for buddies.

BARS is a wellbeing referral project that assists students with low-level mental health access free Give It A Go activity sessions for 6 weeks as well as group activities.

Buddies are students who receive free training and are a support system to the students accessing the project. They can also access 6 weeks of free Give It A Go activity sessions and group sessions.



To see the Give It A Go timetable please click here.



Buddies are not counsellors; their role is to support students' increasing their activity levels by encouraging them to attend sessions as well as taking away the anxiety of having to find the venue, know what to wear etc. Buddies assist students in navigating the sometimes scary and challenging obstacles such as finding your lecture rooms, knowing where to access funding advice or even how to check out a book from the library.

Issues like the above can easily be resolved with some support and could stop a student from having a negative experience that could lead to anxiety or worse. Becoming a buddy is a lovely opportunity to give back to other students who may be struggling with their University experience and have a positive impact whilst also improving your confidence, meeting new people and trying new activities. 



To become a BARS Buddy or find out more about the project, check out their webpage here.

or email the team direct at socialsport@su.plymouth.ac.uk


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